If you’ve taken a look at the main indoor air pollutants in your home, you might be wondering how the heck they got inside in the first place. Even the cleanest homes have room in their air for invaders, so it’s better to know what’s in your air and how it got there.
Ball Heating & Air Conditioning can use this information to help you choose what the most efficient Biloxi air quality solution is for your home. Indoor air pollution is no joke, so let us help you take it seriously!
Common Causes Of Indoor Air Contaminants
There are many combinations of air pollution that can exist in your home, especially with the diverse environment in Biloxi. However, there are some typical sources of air pollution that most homeowners can relate to.
The Great Outdoors!
No matter how sealed your home is or how often you clean, there’s no way to remove 100% of the avenues for outside contaminants to enter your home. If we can accept that, then our fight against poor indoor air quality can truly begin. Pollutants can enter your home on your clothes, shoes or even your hair. Smoke, pollen, bacteria and viruses you come into contact with when you’re at work, shopping or anywhere outside your home can hitch a ride on you.
Weather and seasons also affect the air quality in your home. Seasonal allergies may happen outside, but you can bet the pollen floating around outside makes its way into your home. Humidity is also a huge factor in air quality. Your AC unit is constantly fighting off humidity in your air, but high levels of humidity can linger in your home.
Those awesome appliances that give you hot water, cool air and great food are all culprits for producing air pollution. Any gas-powered appliance in your home certainly produces gases and byproducts from the process of burning fuel. If you don’t know what appliances in your home are gas-powered, it’s time to find out. These are important to watch for gas leaks as well, which not only could affect your air quality but could be extremely dangerous to you.
Building Materials & Furniture
The age-old villain of any home is asbestos. If your home was built with asbestos insulation, you are more likely to experience indoor air quality problems. Renovations and work done in your home can also reduce your air quality. New carpets, sheetrock or even new furniture can change what’s introduced into your air. Be sure that any work done inside your home is well ventilated and remember to check your air filters after any construction project is completed. Construction dust can easily clog filters and vents, lingering for weeks until addressed.
Cleaning Products
Yes, the products you’re using to clean your home could actually be making it unsafe! Many cleaning products contain VOCs and other chemicals that are released into the air and can affect your lungs. If you don’t really know what’s in the sprays and wipes you use to keep surfaces clean, it’s time to find out. Most cleaning products introduce scents into the air, but these scents just hide the true odor. Natural products are a better bet if you’re worried about your air quality.
Ready For Professional IAQ Solutions?
Ball Heating & Air Conditioning can help you find the source of your poor air quality, pinpoint the most troublesome particles in your air and choose the best air filtration solution for your home. If you want to breathe deeper, contact our team today!