Our indoor air is more delicate than we think. With every laugh or cough, we could be inhaling unknown particles — or spreading harmful contaminants! Particles, gases and other dangerous pollutants easily move around our breathable air, and what can we do about it?
Ball Heating & Air Conditioning has some tips on improving indoor air quality naturally to keep the air pollution in your home to a minimum. From Biloxi’s whole-home air filtration to healthy habits, you’re sure to find a solution that fits your needs best!
Reducing Sources of Air Pollution
The best way to lower the number of air contaminants in your home is to cut them off at the source. If you’re aware of the products and behaviors that release particles into your air, you can work to limit those contaminants in your home.
Sprayable Products
Anything you spray into the air has the potential to affect your air quality. This includes things like air fresheners, perfumes and even cleaning products. Most of the scented products you use to clean your home or freshen the air release chemicals that mask odors, not eliminate them. That’s why we recommend switching to unscented or natural products if you want to rescue the pollutants in your air.
Cleaning Habits
One of the ways that particles stay in your air so long is because they stick on your floors and furniture. If you don’t have a regular vacuuming and dusting routine, it might be time to make one! Dust, dirt, pollen and pet dander easily get stuck in your carpets and rugs, releasing particles into the air with every step you take. If you have pets, you especially need to pay attention to your vacuuming habits. Simply vacuuming or dusting more often could really help improve your air quality.
Making sure the air in your home can be refreshed with outside air is an important part of air quality. The HVAC filters will do the best they can to remove contaminants from the air, but good ventilation can help a lot. This doesn’t mean your windows and doors need to be open in the heat of summer, but vents in your attic, bathrooms and kitchens are a good place to start. Make sure your ventilation fans are operational and start using them diligently to funnel out the unwanted air.
Use Nature To Your Advantage!
On top of physically controlling air pollution and removing contaminants from your home, you can bring in nature’s helpers. While even a room full of plants isn’t enough to completely detoxify your home’s air, it certainly doesn’t hurt. For plant lovers out there, tending to air-purifying plants in your home could promote healthier air.
Certain plants can absorb gases like VOCs or bio effluents (things humans expel like viruses and CO2) into the pores on their leaves. These contaminants that are harmful to us can be sent to the roots of the plant and used as food. Photosynthesis can actually allow plants to feed on harmful air contaminants and produce clean oxygen in our homes!
Working With Ball Is The Natural Choice
Treating poor indoor air quality can be a DIY project if you want, but that doesn’t mean it has to be! Ball Heating & Air Conditioning offers safe and effective air filtration options for your home. With no added chemicals or contaminants, our systems can filter the air in your entire home every single day. If you’re looking for cleaner air, count on our team to help you out. Give us a call!